Friday, June 1, 2012

Recently, I watched a cooking show that was trying to teach some wives of very wealthy men how to cook. One lady couldn't cut a tomato. She didn't know how to cook or clean; she had servants. He didn't marry her so she could cook or clean. He didn't marry her so she could earn a living. She spent his money and he enjoyed her spending it; he enjoyed being able to provide it for her. She was his companion. She was his lover. She was utterly dependent on him as her provider and protector. 

Christ lived a life of utter dependence on God. He did what he saw God doing. He spoke what he heard God saying. The independent spirit has no need of God. The independent woman has no need of a man.

In this "it's all about me" world, the spirit of willful and joyful dependency has been lost, and with it the demonstration of God's strength and the demonstration of man's strength. 2 Chronicles 16:9 states, "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him." That perfect heart is a dependent heart, a submitted heart, a yielded heart. If he cannot find such a heart, how can we see Him?

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