Monday, July 28, 2008

Beauty Before Age

Once I stood center stage in the spotlight of Obeomi's heart,
Thinking that nothing and no one could ever break us apart.
It was then that I was lionized,
Praised and almost idolized.
He said that plans for his future were made with me in mind,
And so, before our God, two hearts were intertwined.
We would talk to each other each and every day, sometimes passing time in silence,
But something happened along the way and his mood turned to ambivalence
As he turned his sights from me to another in the audience.
Beauty before age!
She and I, our roles reversed as she took center stage.
Center stage for Obeomi was a revolving door,
For Obeomi was the one who always held the floor.
She who gave him the most honor, praise and glory
Would be his leading lady.
He was always correct
And left no room for another's voice to interject.
It was he who was the truth and the way.
So she who would bow and obey
Would have his heart for today.
Just as he desires it, so let it be
For my dear, Obeomi.

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