Friday, May 3, 2024

Most Puissant

In a quaint old house, not far from town,
Lived Grandpa, with his wisdom and his frown.
He thought he ruled with power and might,
But Grandma, in truth, held the truest light.

With a posse of grandchildren at her side,
Grandma's love was potent, a gentle guide.
Though Grandpa's words were often profound,
It was Grandma's love that truly crowned.

In her eyes, a sparkle, so pure and true,
A love so strong, so deeply imbued.
Her presence, so potent, her touch so kind,
In her embrace, all troubles released, we'd find.

Grandpa's ways were strong, his voice loud,
But Grandma's love was the family's shroud.
Her influence was pervasive, her love so pure,
In her presence, we felt so secure.

Grandpa thought he ruled the house,
But Grandma's love was the most puissant,
Her love so powerful, her spirit bright,
In our hearts, she shone the brightest light.

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