Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Tale of Deliverance

In times of old, a story's told,
Of Abigail, a woman bold.
With beauty bright, and wisdom true,
To Nabal, she was bound, a man so cruel.

As Nabal's heart, with darkness filled,
America knew, a leader's will,
Resounding with harshness, and deceit,
A nation wept, so bittersweet.

Yet God, in mercy, heard their cries,
And sent deliverance, from darkened skies.
As He saved Abigail, from a marriage ill,
America too, found strength and will.

Now again, let us choose, with hearts aflame,
Leaders of honor, deserving of fame.
Kind and humble, like David of old,
Let our nation's story, with grace unfold.

A woman wise, and nation strong,
Found freedom, from a tyrant's song.
As Abigail to David's heart was led,
Let America choose leaders, that gently tread.

In times to come, let tales be spun,
Of choices made, and battles won.
For when we seek, with love and light,
Our leaders shall guide us, towards what’s right.

(reprint of Facebook post July 6th by Doris Moss)

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