Thursday, August 1, 2024

Chameleon Candidate

There once was a man named Trump
Whose views seemed quite often to jump
From left to right, then back again
Depending on where the cash came in.

As each billionaire would crossed his path
Trump's views took a bubble bath.
In Trump's mind, a new philosophy
Was born with each new billionaire's fee.

A donor who loved a border wall
Would find Trump suddenly enthralled.
While one who favored free trade deals
Would watch Trump's views begin to wheel.

A hawk on war, or dove of peace
Trump's views would shift with much release.
As each new donor came his way,
His stance would change, with no delay.

Cryptocurrencies, once did he loathe,
But with donations from Bitcoin Baily and the Winklevoss' he sung a different oath.
Anheuser-Busch beer, first to blame,
Then after this company donated, Trump's tune changed.

Trump's loyalty, it would seem,
Depended on whose money donated to his team.
Electric cars, at first, he mocked,
After Elon Musk donated, his opinion quite unlocked.

With Peter Thiel's donation, Trump's choice for Arizona's Senate race
Seemed to shift at a blistering pace.
After Thiel's donation, Trump's Vice Presidential pick evolved too,
Amidst a political hullabaloo.

As his donations fluctuated, so did his opinions turn with the tide,
He was a bought man, his thoughts turned with the bribe.
Each issue a new chance to shape
His views, an ever-changing drape.

Rather than drain the swamp, he dug deeper in.
He was never for the people, only for himself, the election, he tried to win.
He did not care who he dragged with him into the much and mire.
He didn't care who knew he was a man for hire.

He was a slave to the billionaires he owed,
And duped all the people that followed.
He was the ultimate con man, a pathological liar.
He didn't care if he set America and its Constitution on fire.

So many people he did deceive,
And even had the Christian Church believe
That he was a man God sent,
While he was only a man hell bent.

So what did Trump truly believe?
It seemed his views were but a sleeve
Worn to please each billionaire's whim
A chameleon, through and through, was him.

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