Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Dangers of Church/State Union

When Church and State in wedlock lie,
A dark and treacherous path draws nigh.
For power and faith, in one hand clenched,
The rights of many, soon are quenched.

The Church, once a beacon, of love and light,
Loses her radiance, in the state's fierce might.
No longer guided, by a compass true,
The path grows dim, in a power askew.

As State embraces, religion's dress,
A tangled web, begins to press.
Freedom of faith, succumbs to force,
A nation's soul, then loses course.

The voice of State, with Church entwined,
Wields faith as weapon, to control the mind.
No longer neutral, in matters of creed,
Divisions deepen, as the people bleed.

The dangers of union, a tale to heed,
When Church and State, together lead.
For in their dance, a nation frays,
Let wisdom guide, in separating ways.

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