Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Choice of Leadership

When paths diverge, and choices made,
What qualities should our hearts persuade?
To follow one, who boasts and lies,
Or one whose truth, in humbleness lies?

The prideful liar, on high horse stands,
With golden tongue, he works his plans.
But beneath the shine, deception waits,
A leader lost, to pride's cruel fate.

The humble stutterer, a different sight,
With words that falter, yet ring so bright.
In honesty, his soul is bared,
A leader true, with love he's dared.

Not in perfection, does greatness lie,
But in the courage, to not deny.
Our stumbles and falls, our human state,
The humble stutterer, shall not break.

I'd choose the one, whose heart is pure,
Whose words may falter, yet truth endure.
For in his eyes, a light does shine,
A leader true, with love divine.

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